Who Am I?

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A nobody; a nitwit; a pilot; a motorcyclist; a raconteur; a lover...of life - who loves to laugh, who tries to not take myself (or anything) too seriously...just a normal guy who knows his place in the universe by being in touch with my spiritual side. What more is there?

27 March 2019

Dirty Politics

I've always wondered just how dirty politics really is?  I mean, we're adults...we all understand that any politician will sling mud and use dirty tricks on his or her opponent, but just how far will some people go? How low will they sink to get that mud?

During the 2016 debates, Hillary Clinton made a BIG DEAL about how Donald Trump might not accept the results of the election if he lost.  And then...when she lost she didn't accept the results of the election! Many people acted as though Trump did not actually win - since she garnered more of the actual popular vote (we are a democracy after all, aren't we?) - and therefore his presidency was illegitimate.  To hell with that Electoral College!  That thing is obsolete anyway and we need to get rid of it!


Democrats then made another BIG DEAL about this so-called "collusion" between Trump and "The Russians" (with whom we are not at war, by the way), making some vague claim about how he convinced those Russians to somehow rig the election so that he won, so he could put up a Trump Tower in Moscow's Red Square. 

The government and the news media have been obsessed with this collusion...while the rest of the country grew tired of it and yawned and lost interest and went back to binge-watching "Game of Thrones." Most of us adults know that the Russians have been meddling in our elections since....ohhhh, forever. And we've been meddling in theirs for a similar length of time, maybe longer. That's global politics for you. 

And then, Robert Mueller's big, expensive, eagerly-awaited, two-year investigation found...(drumroll)...no criminal collusion! I suspect that Washington D.C. insiders have known for some time what the results of the report were going to be. I'm not that naïve.

In a move most bizarre, the Democrats (and their pawns in the media) shriek...yes, shriek that even though the Special Prosecutor found no collusion, that doesn't mean Trump isn't guilty of...something! They'll figure out just what and let us know soon. Their focus is that even if there wasn't "collusion," Trump and his staff committed heinous, impeachable acts.

There is so much hatred toward President Trump.  Some politicians seem to have devoted their entire career to getting Trump removed from office that it causes one to wonder: Shouldn't these people be doing their jobs?

It gets worse. Now we have the strangest turn of events yet. Depending on which websites you pay attention to, reports suggest that it was Hillary and the Democrats who actually colluded with the Russians in a failed attempt to smear Trump, steal the election and give her the win.  Could this be??

Let's look at all of the major players: Who appointed James Comey as head of the FBI?  Who appointed James Clapper as National Intelligence Director?  Who appointed John Brennan head of the CIA?  Who appointed Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State?  Right: Obama.  

In texts between the infamous FBI agents Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, Ms. Page mentioned that Obama wanted to be kept advised.  What is not clear is exactly of what President Obama wanted to be advised.  What is clear is that Obama was "in the loop" of the plan to corrupt the election and ensure that Trump did not win.  Some democracy we have here...  

I'm not sure that I can wrap my mind around the idea that people could be so diabolical and mean. Is power really that important? Evidently so. And Hillary really, really wanted that power. That much is obvious. I mean, come on...

And so if the reports about where the real collusion was happening are true, then we're talking about dirty politics on a level of which we've never imagined. At least, I never imagined that politics could be so sleazy. Would Hillary, the Clinton Foundation, the DNC and President Obama stoop so low? 

Sadly, I'm betting they would.


Ed said...

I love the electoral college, not because it gets my favorite politician elected over another, but because it gives political attention to our state. The second we get rid of the electoral college, is the second we will never see a politician utter our state name unless it is California, Texas, Florida or New York. People don't seem to grasp the ramifications of eliminating the electoral college.

We here in Iowa enjoy special status being first in the nation to caucus for the next president. Although I don't enjoy the robocalls that go with that, I do enjoy the ability to shake hands and actually speak with the next president which I have been fortunate to do a few times over the years. I expect this fall, I will be attending several democrat candidate rallies to hear what they have to say and yes, shake their hands and say a few words or two.

Bob Barbanes: said...

I agree, Ed. Getting rid of the Electoral College would be asinine. I cannot believe that some supposedly smart people would suggest it. Maybe they're not as smart as they try to convince us they are, eh?

On the other hand, our Founding Fathers were pretty smart guys. They knew that a true, "majority rule" democracy would merely lead to mob-rule. And that's not what this country is all about. I kinda/sorta liked that Elizabeth Warren; sometimes what she says makes sense. And then she goes off into outer space with some weird shit and I think to myself, "That woman is CRAZY!" My banker friends hate her.

People think that I love Trump, but I don't. He's a piece of shit. But I just disliked Trump less than I disliked Hillary. Trump is smart, something people often overlook because in their rage they're blinded by his "other" qualities. (We'll get back to that in a minute.)

I think it's fascinating - now that Bob Mueller didn't return any indictments of Trump or his staff concerning collusion, the Democrats are frantically trying to figure out some other way to "get" Trump. They truly cannot understand that Trump's base is still with him. The really funny thing is that I believe the Dems are finally coming around to realizing that Trump may very well walk away with the 2020 election (depending on what he does with health care). That just blows their minds.

Now here's the thing. Like I said, Trump is smart. He can wait, as he did for Mueller to finish his investigation. But Trump is also ruthless. And I sure wouldn't want to be someone in government who has crossed Trump since he became President. I believe in my heart of hearts that Trump will go after those who went after him.

If Trump wins in 2020, look out. The Dems won't be able to blame it on "the Russians" or anything other than the fact that Trump is the anti-politician who is really trying to do what he promised in his campaign - as opposed to almost every other politician who says whatever he/she thinks people want to hear just to get elected and then forget all about their campaign promises. (Those videos of Hillary flip-flopping on things like gay marriage and abortion were hilarious.)

Trump may not be the best President of all time. But the concerted, organized attacks on him - both personally and professionally - are unprecedented. I'm not saying that the Republicans are angels - God knows they're not. But what the Democrats are doing to him is simply unconscionable. The fact that he has not quit (and that he will in all likelihood run again) demonstrates a love for this country that puts others (Nancy? Chuckie? Kamala?) to shame. And I think THAT is what Trump's supporters see.

Ed said...

I agree with all that you have said. I haven't and don't think I will be able to vote for Trump in the next election and right now none of the Democratic candidates are looking any better. But I am absolutely fascinated with Trump and his supporters. Being somewhat independent, I have lots of friends on both sides of the political fence. They are for the most part fairly intelligent people and will acknowledge when their political party of choice makes a hypocritical choice for whatever legislation they need passed at the time. I have two friends who are ardent Trump supporters. I honestly think if Trump said today to jump in a car and move to a particular state and start a break away republic, they wouldn't hesitate at all. It's almost like they have been brainwashed. I ponder how they became that way because up until Trump tossed his hat in the ring, I thought they were pretty sane people. The only thing that I can attempt to try and justify their behavior now is that they've been shit upon so long by both parties that they attached themselves to Trump because he actively pandered to them. The odd thing is that Trump comes from a completely different economic stratum, had a completely different upbringing and really hasn't done a single thing for them that will improve their lot in life since elected in office.

I just can't explain it but I am fascinated by it.

Bob Barbanes: said...

It's not that Trump is like me. Hell, I don't WANT our President to be like me. I want him to be the Most Powerful Man In The World...and act like it! The thing that "sells" Trump (at least among the people I know who support him) is that he is unashamedly "America First." We've been told for so long that we have a problem with illegal immigrants coming over our southern border. Trump FINALLY wants us to do something about it and NOW according to the Dems it's not a problem?? What do you thin we are, stupid?

Hillary was just too dislikable. I know liberal women who can't stand her. I think she is perceived as being dishonest, and that she puts her own interests (or the interests of the so-called "deep state") ahead of America's. People did not trust her.

Trump is perceived as a shoot-from-the-hip, no-bullshit kind of guy (whether that latter part is true or not). He's not just the same-ol' same-ol' lying politician of which we've grown so weary. When he says that he didn't need to run for President, we believe him. When we see how he's treated by the media and the Dems, we're sympathetic. Who doesn't root for the underdog?

Finally, is my life "better" than it was four three years ago? Hell, I don't know. My life has always been good. Do I think that the President has a role in that? Ehhhh, it's doubtful. And I don't think many Americans look to our President to make their lives better. We look to him to protect us, and America's interests, and keep us out of war. On those three things, I think people trust Trump. And if the Dems are not careful...and if they don't come up with someone better than that cast of clowns that have already announced that they're running, Trump will win again.

Ed said...

As always, well spoken!