At a recent campaign stop in Iowa, presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren was asked if dishonesty should be a disqualifying trait in a presidential candidate? Mrs. Warren replied, ”How could the American people want someone who lies to them?” Which…really doesn’t, you know, answer the question, does it?
But Elizabeth Warren is good at that: Not answering questions. Actually, all politicians are good at it, especially those who rise to the national level. You never want to give a direct, definitive answer today in case you need to give a different answer to a different crowd tomorrow.
Speaking of answers, the one to Senator Warren’s rhetorical question is simple: Americans don’t care. We know that all politicians lie – WE KNOW IT! We accept it as a fact. Whether one politician lies more than another is pretty meaningless. It’s not a matter of degree, and we don’t judge politicians on some sliding scale of, ”Well…my guy doesn’t lie to us as often as your guy, so my guy is okay.”
No, it doesn’t work like that, not at all. The fact that your guy lies less than my guy is irrelevant. It’s like saying, "Well, my unmarried daughter is less pregnant than your unmarried pregnant daughter, so my daughter is more virtuous than yours." Wrong! It doesn’t matter that mine is about ready to pop while yours just got knocked-up last week. They're both equally pregnant, see?
So how could the American people want someone who lies to them? Easy! We don’t have a choice, now do we, Pocahontas? Okay, maybe that’s unfair…because the DNA testing did reveal that Warren was 0.000000001% “something” other than white. Okay Senator, then you want to go over again how you got FIRED from a seasonal job for being pregnant? See, there’s this other story you told about how you simply decided not to return to that job.
I rest my case.
Senator Warren, next time someone asks you a stupid question like, "Should dishonesty disqualify someone from being President?" just tell them the truth - that all politicians lie as a matter of course. Ohhhhhh, that's right, I forgot, you're a politician too! There's no way you could answer that question honestly.
How do you absolutely positively know that a politician is lying? Their mouth is moving.
I've always been interested in politics but other than a seat on the local school board, it will go no farther. I just don't have the ability to answer a question without answering the question like so many politicians can easily do. I'm too much of a straight shooter.
I can't wait until Feb 3rd when we hold our caucus and then all these lying politicians move on to other states and we don't have to listen to them nearly as much. Up until the impeachment trial got underway, they were as thick as flies on turds here.
Ed, like you, I could never go into politics - the moral compromises it requires are just too great. You can never say what you actually feel for risk of offending some potential voter/supporter. In a way, I kind of admired Beto O'Dork for taking a stand on confiscating guns. It was political suicide for him, but at least it showed he had guts. I wonder if he's come down from his LSD trip and is now wondering, "Did I actually run for President? Did I actually say and do all those things? Man, I should be ashamed of myself! Of course, I'm not...because nobody's ashamed of ANYTHING in American anymore."
Where we're at politically really is a sad state of affairs. We've come to a point in our culture where nobody believes anything a politician says, and more importantly it doesn't seem to matter - we just EXPECT that they're lying to us! What kind of world is that?! It's fuckin' bizzaro-world, man. I wish I could get some of whatever Beto was smoking just so I could escape - however briefly - from this existence until the 2020 election is over.
It's getting close to time for me to crawl under that rock for the next year...
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