Who Am I?

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A nobody; a nitwit; a pilot; a motorcyclist; a raconteur; a lover...of life - who loves to laugh, who tries to not take myself (or anything) too seriously...just a normal guy who knows his place in the universe by being in touch with my spiritual side. What more is there?

06 November 2019


If you went out on the street and asked people if President Trump should be impeached and removed from office, you might very well get a preponderance of “Yes!” responses.  Donald Trump is…let’s not pull any punches…a scumbag.  We all know that.  He does what he wants without much concern for the consequences.  (That’s partly why a lot of people like him.)

But some people – let’s call them “Trump-haters” believe that he is unfit for the office of president, never should have been elected president, and should be removed from office ASAP by any means possible.  This last qualification is a little awkward.  Trump-haters want him gone.  They feel that he’s committed enough impeachable crimes to warrant it.  But the term “impeachable” as they use it is kind of, well, squishy.

Because if you were out on the street and asked people what crimes, exactly President Trump has committed that are impeachable offenses, you’d get a lot of hemming and hawing and foot-shuffling.  The more intelligent respondents might say that he violated the so-called emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution which says you cannot accept any gift, reward or thing of value from a foreign government.  They’ll say that by asking Ukraine President Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden, Trump was looking to personally benefit in the 2020 election.  

(Notice though that the Constitution says that a president may not accept any gift, reward or thing of value – it does not say that he can’t solicit such things.  You can ask; you just cannot receive.)

And so we get back to: What exactly has President Trump done to warrant impeachment?  

You cannot impeach a president and have him removed from office simply because he’s a dirtbag and you don’t like him.  You cannot impeach a president because he tweets mean things…or treats people badly, or even because he an egotist and a liar.  It doesn’t work that way.  There has to be a clear impeachable offense…somewhere.  

The American people, however, can impeach a president – sort of.  They can simply not vote for him in the next election.  We have that power!  If the people don’t like Donald Trump, they’ll vote for someone else.  And that form of impeachment might happen in about a year from right now.  But it might not! 

Democrats don’t want to take that chance.  They’ve been talking about impeaching Trump ever since he was sworn in.  Here in November of 2019, Democrats want to make damn sure that Trump is not re-elected next year.  So they’ve…you’ll pardon the pun…trumped-up these charges, claiming that asking President Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden violated the emoluments clause.  It’s weak, I know, but Democrats are running out of time!

Despite what some polls indicate, I don’t think that the American people are convinced that President Trump has done impeachable things.  Maybe I’m wrong, but the people I talk to are getting fatigued over these impeachment proceedings.  (And I’m an Uber drive; I talk to a lot of people in any given day.)  Not everybody in the country is rabidly Left or Right.  Moderate people of both parties actually do see it as a “witch hunt” or at least an act of desperation by Democrats who want to overturn the 2016 election.  They’re starting to lose interest.

I have no doubt that the House of Representatives will vote to impeach President Trump.  But remember, impeachment does not mean removal from office.  For that, the Senate has to weigh-in.  And they’ll never…never! vote to impeach/remove.  But even if they did, it would not prevent Trump from running in 2020. He might not be able to run as a Republican, which would be no big deal because he isn’t much of a Republican anyway.  And if he runs as an Independent, he very well might win again.


Ed said...

I pretty much agree with this entire post. I have often felt that this impeachment is really all about getting even for President Clinton who was impeached on shaky grounds by the Republican controlled House but acquitted by the Democratically controlled Senate. It left the Democratic party furious and they have been biding their time. They brought it up several times during the Bush Jr. reign but never had control of either the House or Senate to get the ball rolling. Now that they have gained control of the House, I have felt that this was the inevitable conclusion no matter who got elected.

The question I always ask people is if they honestly believe that President Trump is the first president to seek "quid pro quo" deals with a foreign nation? I'm guessing in reality, there probably isn't a president in history that hasn't done something similar. It is called negotiations and the key principle that makes negotiations successful is that both parties COME AWAY WITH something that makes them happy.

Bob Barbanes: said...

Very interesting points, Ed! I think that you're spot-on in saying that this is simply retribution. Hillary (and Bill, and George Soros) are understandably furious that she didn't win. The "fix" was supposed to be in, and wouldn't you know, the *only* guy who could beat her joined the race! God, she must still be pissed-off about that.

But we have to add the fact that Trump is a really dislikable guy. He is the most UN-presidential president in history (well, at least as far back as I can remember, and that's to JFK). He makes me cringe with his sentence structure, and especially when he makes up words like "bigly." Because it suggests that he's not very well-edumacated - or at least, if he did go to college, English 101 was not one of his majors.

In the end, the case against Trump is weak. The Democrats are acting all righteous...you know, the old, "We have to do this out of our sense of justice and integrity," but they MUST understand on some level that what they're doing is "damaging their brand," as people are fond of saying these days. I was raised a Democrat, but the Democratic Party has surely gone off the rails and headed to parts-unknown in a direction I cannot anymore support. Thus, I will *never* vote for another Democrat as long as I live.

Kelly said...

Another very good post, as well as interesting comments. You talk a lot of "sense" here. Wanna run for president, Bob?

Bob Barbanes: said...

Thanks, Kelly! But as for *me* running for Prez...well we've already got one crazy person in the White House- we surely don't need a second ;)

And that's the thing about Trump: He has *nothing* to lose. At the end of his term - whether it be one or two - he still strolls away a big-time millionaire. He actually is that rare person who could say how he would like the country to be run (and don't we all fantasize about that?), and then he got the chance to do it! And he didn't have to come up through any political ranks...spend a lot of time as a Congressman or Senator...what he did was pretty remarkable. To be honest, I'm kind of surprised that Trump hasn't been, you know, "taken out" by the Deep State. I was alive for the Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations; they can still happen.

Quite obviously, Trump struck a chord with the American people...people who were sick to death of "politics as usual" with decades of smooth-talking politicians who promised a lot but never delivered, and a government which they perceived wasn't really working, with little difference whether it was Republicans or Democrats running things.

People say all kinds of awful things about Trump - and most of them are true. But I'll tell you, I think we'd be in MUCH worse shape as a country if Hillary had won like she was supposed to. Epstein probably wouldn't have pretended to kill himself ;-)